
How it Works

  • Delivers 20,000 muscular contractions per 30-minute session
  • Increases strength and tone of muscles
  • Utilizes HIFEM® technology which penetrates through the skin without needles


It's fast and efficient

It's fast and efficient

It's affordable

It's affordable

It's comfortable

It's comfortable

It's FDA Approved

It's FDA Approved

Emsculpt is a FDA approved, non-invasive procedure to efficiently build your muscle with no downtime!
30 min. treatment, minimum 4 sessions 2-3 days apart
Prices will be discussed at consultation



Introducing Emsculpt, a non-invasive alternative to the Brazilian Butt Lift that is non-ionizing, non-radiating and non-thermal. Best of all, EMSCULPT is anesthesia and needle free.

Utilizing HIFEM® technology to induce powerful muscle contractions, Emsculpt is FDA cleared to strengthen, tone and firm the buttocks to provide a safe and completely non-invasive alternative to popular yet controversal surgical and injectable procedures.

Delivering almost 20,000 muscular contractions per 30 minute session, Emsculpt increases the strength and tone of the gluteal region to help even athletic and fit patients take their buttocks to the next level. The unique application of the HIFEM technology, penetrates through skin to impact muscle tissue. Once penetrated, the energy induces supramaximal muscle contractions that are not achievable by the human brain and results into toning, firming and strengthening of the buttocks and abs.