How to Properly Cleanse Your Face!

Properly cleansed skin is the foundation for healthy, radiant skin and is the first step in every effective facial care regimen. It is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, both morning and night. It creates a clean and clear canvas for you to apply makeup. It also removes make up and impurities that come mainly from pollution. Throughout the day, your skin picks up a huge amount of dirt and pollution, so it is very important not to leave this grime on the face overnight. A lack of cleansing your face results in clogged pores, which ultimately leads to acne, premature aging and dull skin complexion.

If you are unfamiliar with your skin type, getting a detailed skin analysis with a facial is a great idea. Choosing the right products has a lot to do with the success you are going to have with your skin. While bar soap may be fine for your body, it is far too harsh and stripping for your face. It is imperative that you invest in a cleanser, toner and moisturizer that are right for your specific skin type.

1)      Wash Your Hands! Before you begin, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. Having clean hands will help avoid adding any dirt to your face that you have been in contact with.

2)      Remove Your Makeup! Always remember to wash off your makeup before cleansing. Makeup remover cloths are a great tool to use before facial cleansing. Leaving traces of makeup on at night is the absolute most destructive thing you can do for yourself.

3)      Set Water Temperature! You will want to wash with lukewarm water. Hot water can dry out your skin and dilate your blood vessels.

4)      Cleanse! It is best to use circular motions. Massage your cleanser for 30-60 seconds in order to stimulate your blood and lymph system to get much needed oxygen and blood circulating in your face. Be careful not to scrub too harshly. Scrubbing too harshly can over-stimulate your oil glands, increasing production and make acne worse. It can also lead to broken capillaries!

5)      Rinse! Rinse with cool water. If you rinse with hot water, it keeps your pores open to all of the dirt and bacteria it is sure to encounter during the day. Rinse with cool water to keep your pores the same size they were when you started.

6)      Dry! Pat your face dry. Don’t rub your skin with a washcloth, pat it dry instead. Patting your skin dry helps skin retain some of its moisture and avoid pulling on delicate skin.

7)      Tone! Toning the skin is essential to ensure that your face has been cleansed thoroughly and is free from makeup, dirt, and even the cleanser.

8)      Moisturize! Moisturizer helps you keep your face hydrated and protected throughout your day. It is important that you choose a moisturizer that fits your needs, whether you are naturally dry, oily or combination, and whether you prefer lightweight or dewy.

9)      Sunscreen! Never, ever forget to end this process with your broad-spectrum Sunscreen in the morning (and throughout the day). Protecting your face from the sun is the number one thing you can do to prevent aging, photodamage, skin cancer, sunspots and wrinkles. Refer to ( for more assistance on choosing the right sunscreen for your skin.

Investing in a wonderful face exfoliant (such as SkinCeuticals Micro-Exfoliating Scrub) as well as problem-specific corrective products (anti-aging, pigment regulation, etc.) will also result in beautiful, healthy skin. Gently exfoliating your skin three times per week will polish away dead skin cells and help to soften and smooth your skin. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends sleeping on clean silk pillowcases at night, booking a facial every month, and cleaning your make-up brushes every month to keep your face looking its best! Treating your skin gently is key when it comes to washing your face. Pulling on the skin, treating it harshly by scrubbing it and leaving on makeup all negatively affect your skin elasticity.