Why Do I Need a Facial?

Many of us are feel that we are too bogs down with everyday life and don’t have the time to incorporate a proper skin care regime both at home and with a skin care professional. We look for the one magic serum and feel it will be the end all be all. However it is not about one magic ingredient; it is rather about a systematic approach to addressing the many causes of aging and inflamed skin, or just to sustain healthy tone.

As we age, we notice wrinkles getting deeper, a tired appearance, poor definition, jowls, deep creases and loss of muscle tone. All these facial changes are gradual degradation of the cells within the skin, until one day we really begin to pay attention to our face in the mirror and ask ourselves, “What happened?” As my mother always said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

An at home regime should begin by cleansing both in the AM and PM, followed by the use of a toner, antioxidant, specialty products dependant on your individual skin care need (like a brightening complex, acne product, anti-aging, etc.), moisturizer and sunscreen – in that order.   On a side note, use products intended for your specific skin type and condition.

But what does a facial do? Well, it brightens the skin, increases circulation, keeps skin pliable, decongests clogged pores and prevents dead skin buildup. While treating yourself to regular monthly facials you may experience a sense of relaxation. However it is the maintenance of a regular pattern of exfoliation that will result in healthy skin. The benefits of proper and frequent exfoliation is the stimulation of the cell turnover rate which translates to softer skin with a more even skin tone. As a result, the skin is less prone to breakouts and signs of aging are reduced.

There are facials specially designed to address specific skin conditions and concerns. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200; www.lotuslasertreatments.com offers customized facials including Deep Pore Cleansing (for congested skin), Acne Control (for breakout prone skin), Skin Firming (for aging skin) and Calming (for rosacea). Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa (http://www.lotuslasertreatments.com) also offers various skin treatments designed to target a wide range of concerns (aging, hyperpigmentation, pore size, uneven skin, etc.) including Microdermabrasion, Microcurrents, Photofacials, and Chemical Peels.

These special facials also nourish the skin after a proper mode of exfoliation is utilized; whether is be via microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, chemical exfoliation from a peel, or physical exfoliation with the use of steam. The nourishment infused into the skin range from hyaluronic acid (to help the skin regain lost moisture), collagen (which helps the skin regain some elasticity and firmness), and antioxidants or serums (which serve specific function like repairing damaged cells, providing protection from UVA, and stimulating cell mitosis to rebuild collagen and elastin fibers thus reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles). At Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa (www.lotuslasertreatments.com), only physician grade products from SkinMedica and SkinCeuticals are used on the clients, thus ensuring great results.

Extractions are one of the many add-ons available to clients while receiving a facial. Popping pimples or squeezing blackheads at home without a professional could make your problem much worse. When you do attempt to extract yourself, you may push the contents deeper into your skin, introduce more bacteria into it through unclean nails, and risk scarring and dark marks. If your skin is congested, your best bet is to receive a facial monthly and allow your esthetician to perform extractions safely with sterile hands and appropriate tools. While extractions are a great add on, Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa (www.lotuslasertreatments.com) also offers facial clients lip and brow waxing, lip treatments, eye treatments, scalp treatments, neck lifts and more. These amazing services can’t be attained at home, and hardly take any extra time as they are incorporated into your treatment.

Another important aspect of a facial is the facial massage, which stimulates your lymphatic system. The facial massage can be done manually or with the use of micro current. While it feels great and relaxes you, what it’s really doing is releasing tension, boosting circulation, assisting in ridding skin of impurities, draining the sinuses, and reducing fluid retention.

A common misconception to facials is that they will make you break out. This is not the case. When you aren’t consistently taking care of your skin with professional maintenance and experience a break out right after a facial, it is likely that what you are experiencing is purging. Purging is a process the skin goes through to get rid of toxins, dirt and oil from the skin. This is a good thing for people that have a lot of blackheads or clogged up oil that was buried deep into the skin. The skin will look brighter and better after the breakout calms down. Purging impurities from the body is a good thing. If you have ever done a detox cleansing for your body, you are familiar with the process of not feeling well as the toxins work their way out of your system. This breakout after a facial works in somewhat the same way. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa (www.lotuslasertreatments.com) uses only hypo-allergenic, pharmaceutical grade products. If you are sensitive, you may want to find out ahead of time if your esthetician also uses products that are fragrance free and hypoallergenic. If you are allergic, the type of breakout resulting would feel itchy and rash-like.

At Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa (www.lotuslasertreatments.com), a knowledgeable, licensed esthetician will provide personalized skin recommendations and a regimen that will address your individual concerns. Keep in mind that your skin changes constantly with hormonal changes and seasonal changes, so having a professional examine your skin on a regular basis will ensure that you are giving your skin what it needs. Receiving professional facials monthly will ensure your skin to be the best it can be!