Caring for Your LIPS During Summer Months

Although often overlooked, your lips MUST be protected from the summer sun. While your lips need extra attention all year round, in summer they actually lack the natural glands to keep them moist. As the temperature rises and your lips are exposed to harmful UV rays, heat, and transitions from the heat to air conditioning, your lips may become dry and chapped, which leaves them looking unappealing.

First, be sure to find a lip balm with SPF – this is crucial to protect the lips from harmful UV rays and to moisturize them, thereby preventing dehydration and chapping. Choose a lip balm that has an SPF of at least 15 and moisturizing ingredients that leave your lips feeling and looking luscious. When you apply sunscreen all over your face & body, don’t forget to protect your lips with lip balm!

Wearing an antioxidant designed for the lips is the best thing you can possibly do to prevent damage. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends SkinCeuticals’ Antioxidant Lip Repair. This amazing product combines two powerful antioxidants, vitamin E and silymarin, to form a unique combination antioxidant therapy for the lips. This potent treatment helps prevent environmental damage, while smoothing and rehydrating the lip surface. It also helps attract and retain water to rejuvenate, reshape and replenish lip tissue, and alleviates dryness and tightness. Buyer Beware: purchase these products from authorized partners with SkinCeuticals only, such as Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi Spa ( You may find a list of authorized dealers on the SkinCeuticals website ( Sources that are NOT on this list are dispensing products that are expired or counterfeit!

If you don’t already, remember to gently brush your lips with a soft toothbrush in the morning. This will help eliminate residue from the surface of the lips and leaves them feeling smooth. This is an important step to make sure you have a soft canvas for your lip balm and lipstick.

Many spas offer professional high performance lip treatments that are a great investment, especially during season changes. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200; ( offers an amazing lip treatment as an add-on service to facials for $25. This three step treatment begins with a citrus-enzyme lip exfoliator, where effective citrus and pineapple enzymes refine the lip area removing dryness and fine lip lines. Potent fruit pulp infuses bioflavonoids and vitamins to parched lips leaving them smooth and ready for the next step. After the high performance exfoliant is removed, A plumping hydration masque is applied. This masque deeply hydrates with rich shea butter and avocado oil and imparts incredible softness while natural peptides stimulate collagen production and fullness. Finally, a petroleum-free citrus balm with shea butter and sunflower seed oil is applied to give lips maximum hydration and a sexy sheen.

Lastly, keeping your lips hydrated throughout the night is a fundamental step. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends Vivant’s MaxiLip Plumper. This amazing balm contains Petrolatum, an occlusive moisturizer which when applied topically, forms a protective barrier that moisturizes skin, thus preventing trans-epidermal water loss. What’s even better, this balm imparts fuller, firmer, smoother and better defined lips. It contains benzyl nicotinate to increase blood flow and peptides to stimulate collagen and improve lip contour. You can expect to experience a semi-permanent lip plumping effect. In a 29-day study Vivant did on this product, women ages 22-40 experienced a 40% increase in volume, 30% reduction of surface folds, 60% boost in hydration, and a 70% increase in protection, comfort, and softness. Vivant’s MaxiLip Plumper is also available Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758 (


The Truth and Benefits of Body Wraps


It is officially SUMMER and that of course means increased skin exposure. Body wraps are an amazing way to lose inches fast and also a great jump start to healthy lifestyle. However, it is SO important to understand which body wraps actually work and which ones don’t. Let’s start with the most popular types: Salt Solutions, Mineral Salt Wraps, Seaweed Wraps and Liquid Herbal Wraps. ALL these types of wraps promote toxins and water to come out through the pores internally to externally. Though there is a mild detoxification benefit, these processes dehydrate and age the skin by water loss! If there is an immediate weight loss after a wrap, this indicates that it is a water loss wrap. With a water loss wrap, you may be required to wear a rubber suit or booties to promote sweating. These wraps are generally messy, uncomfortable and the inches come back as you ingest liquids again to replace hydration. What about Clay Wraps? Clay wraps are also an internal to external detoxification, and act as a poultice to draw impurities from the skin. A dehydrating wrap tends to age the skin due to dehydration. There are always Thigh Creams and they are also available in stores. The main ingredient here is aminophyllin. This chemical is an asthma medication, which was formulated to shrink the mucous membranes so the patient could breathe. It does exactly the same externally, shrinking the cells of any moisture. This treatment is a water loss, dehydration, and the most damaging of all cellulite treatments, as it is putting a chemical into the body’s blood stream. Lastly, there are Internal Cleansing Wraps. M’Lis Body Contour Wraps, for example, use herbal formulations which work externally to internally. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in vulnerable parts of our bodies. It does not dehydrate and age the skin. It is by far the healthiest and most beneficial type of wrap. Research showed that because of this increased flow of both the lymphatic and the circulatory systems, the patient also experienced cleansing of the tissues. This, in turn, caused healthy inch loss.

Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200; ( offers the amazing Body Contour Body Wrap by M’Lis. This wrap may be used in two ways: for inch loss and diminishing of cellulite or for detoxification and lymphatic cleansing. This amazing body wrap does both for the body. The Body Contour Wrap is an all-natural holistic approach to body contouring that has been helping people lose cellulite and inches since 1979. When the body’s circulation and elimination systems become impaired, toxins and waste materials become trapped in the vulnerable fat cells of the connective tissue. The wrap uses circulation and gentle pressure to flush toxins and waste materials from the system through internal detoxification of the body. Stored toxins are permanently removed at the cellular level through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This creates a permanent inch loss of up to 14 inches, while improving general health, nourishing the skin, and contouring the soft areas of the body.

Because the body wrap has incredible instant inch loss results, it makes it the perfect thing to do for yourself before an event. However, when done in a series, maximum results are achieved. A series of three to six Body Contour Wraps are recommended, with four to seven days between each wrap. Many people who go on a diet or exercise plan to lose weight are afraid of losing too fast because they don’t want their skin to get loose and saggy. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa( recommends the M’lis Body Contour Wraps for every seven pounds that you lose, simply because your skin needs to be tightened and toned immediately. The wraps also get rid of toxins stored in the body, so you lose even more inches.

At home care is very important to maintain your inch loss and cellulite reduction. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends M’Lis Maintain – Anti-Cellulite Lotion. This rejuvenating lotion is intended or at-home use to continue the slimming benefits of a contour wrap, with a pleasant light cinnamon scent. The Maintain Anti-Cellulite Lotion increases circulation to cellulite-prone areas for greater inch loss and better long-term wrap results. Buyer Beware: purchase these products from authorized partners with M’Lis only, such as Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi Spa ( You may find a list of authorized dealers on the M’Lis website ( Sources that are NOT on this list are dispensing products that are expired or counterfeit!

You may have one body wrap every three to four days by a technician that has been certified in the Body Contouring, and Inch Loss Programs of the M’lis Company. Remember – wraps should never be performed on one who is pregnant, nursing or if one has not been in remission from cancer for two years or more. Also those on blood thinning medications such as Coumadin and those who suffer from seizures should not utilize body contouring products. Body wraps are extremely relaxing, especially when paired with a facial. After being wrapped, you are laying down for 50 minutes. During this time, you may sleep, listen to music, or have a facial. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( offers special body wrap and facial combos. Subscribe to the Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa E-Mail Newsletter by clicking this link or “Like” Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa on Facebook for continuous updates on seasonal specials!





Let Talk About Collagen & Re-establishing the 80/20 Rule

Collagen is a form of protein that is abundant in the human body. Its function supports most tissue and gives cells structure from the outside. However, collagen is also found inside certain cells. Collagen has the ability to stretch and bend without breaking, and is the main component of fascia, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone and skin. Along with soft keratin, collagen is responsible for skin strength and elasticity,

The foundation of our skin is made up of collagen, elastin and fluid matrix (called the “ground substance”). In healthy skin, the composition of collagen is 80% Type I in the upper layer of skin, and 20% Type III in the lower layer on the skin. As we age, we lose about one teaspoon of Type I, which is equal to 20% collagen per day. When we gain collagen, it is normally in the form of Type III at a rate of 4%. It is only natural then that as we age, our cells become damaged from external factors like ultra violet (UV) thus losing collagen. As a result, our skin appears wrinkled and we experience volume loss and sagging. This is due to the way collagen is lost and regained.

Now, what can we do to stimulate skin rejuvenation and re-establish the 80/20 rule to enhance skin’s appearance? There are laser services available, (i.e. Laser Genesis photo facials performed at medi-spas such as Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758; 516.798.0200; There are also injectables (such as Juverderm, Radiesse and Beletero) a service also offered by Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi Spa ( Plastic surgery may also be an option to obtain a fresh canvas.

Now fast forward. Post treatment what should we do to protect our investment? The answer is an At Home Regime that consists of action products with key ingredients that are specifically designed to promote the formation of collagen and/or elastic fibers in the skin. Ingredients such as Vitamin C – L-ascorbic Acid promotes the synthesis of collagen. SkinCeuticals’ CE Ferulic and Phloretin CF have outperformed all other Vitamin C products on the market. Buyer Beware: purchase these products from authorized partners with SkinCeuticals only, such as Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa ( You may find a list of authorized dealers on the SkinCeuticals website ( Sources that are NOT on this list are dispensing products that are expired or counterfeit.

Another great ingredient is human growth factors. Human Growth Factors are essential proteins that mobilize and stimulate the production of cells within the living. Importantly, they have the ability to initiate cell mitosis. In a nut shell, the human growth factors communicate with the cells in the body to achieve a physiological balance, whereby repairing and stimulating cell rejuvenation thus replenishing lost collagen and elastin fibers. SkinMedica’s TNS Recovery Complex contains 93.6% of 110 pure human derived growth factors in an air tight bottle. A key point to note here is that there is no alcohol, surfactants, or emulsifiers in this product as these ingredients would affect the efficacy of the product. Buyer Beware: purchase these products from authorized partners with SkinMedica only, such as Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa ( You may find a list of authorized dealers on the SkinMedica website ( Sources that are NOT on this list are dispensing products that are expired or counterfeit.

Why Do I Need a Facial?

Many of us are feel that we are too bogs down with everyday life and don’t have the time to incorporate a proper skin care regime both at home and with a skin care professional. We look for the one magic serum and feel it will be the end all be all. However it is not about one magic ingredient; it is rather about a systematic approach to addressing the many causes of aging and inflamed skin, or just to sustain healthy tone.

As we age, we notice wrinkles getting deeper, a tired appearance, poor definition, jowls, deep creases and loss of muscle tone. All these facial changes are gradual degradation of the cells within the skin, until one day we really begin to pay attention to our face in the mirror and ask ourselves, “What happened?” As my mother always said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

An at home regime should begin by cleansing both in the AM and PM, followed by the use of a toner, antioxidant, specialty products dependant on your individual skin care need (like a brightening complex, acne product, anti-aging, etc.), moisturizer and sunscreen – in that order.   On a side note, use products intended for your specific skin type and condition.

But what does a facial do? Well, it brightens the skin, increases circulation, keeps skin pliable, decongests clogged pores and prevents dead skin buildup. While treating yourself to regular monthly facials you may experience a sense of relaxation. However it is the maintenance of a regular pattern of exfoliation that will result in healthy skin. The benefits of proper and frequent exfoliation is the stimulation of the cell turnover rate which translates to softer skin with a more even skin tone. As a result, the skin is less prone to breakouts and signs of aging are reduced.

There are facials specially designed to address specific skin conditions and concerns. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200; offers customized facials including Deep Pore Cleansing (for congested skin), Acne Control (for breakout prone skin), Skin Firming (for aging skin) and Calming (for rosacea). Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( also offers various skin treatments designed to target a wide range of concerns (aging, hyperpigmentation, pore size, uneven skin, etc.) including Microdermabrasion, Microcurrents, Photofacials, and Chemical Peels.

These special facials also nourish the skin after a proper mode of exfoliation is utilized; whether is be via microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, chemical exfoliation from a peel, or physical exfoliation with the use of steam. The nourishment infused into the skin range from hyaluronic acid (to help the skin regain lost moisture), collagen (which helps the skin regain some elasticity and firmness), and antioxidants or serums (which serve specific function like repairing damaged cells, providing protection from UVA, and stimulating cell mitosis to rebuild collagen and elastin fibers thus reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles). At Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa (, only physician grade products from SkinMedica and SkinCeuticals are used on the clients, thus ensuring great results.

Extractions are one of the many add-ons available to clients while receiving a facial. Popping pimples or squeezing blackheads at home without a professional could make your problem much worse. When you do attempt to extract yourself, you may push the contents deeper into your skin, introduce more bacteria into it through unclean nails, and risk scarring and dark marks. If your skin is congested, your best bet is to receive a facial monthly and allow your esthetician to perform extractions safely with sterile hands and appropriate tools. While extractions are a great add on, Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa ( also offers facial clients lip and brow waxing, lip treatments, eye treatments, scalp treatments, neck lifts and more. These amazing services can’t be attained at home, and hardly take any extra time as they are incorporated into your treatment.

Another important aspect of a facial is the facial massage, which stimulates your lymphatic system. The facial massage can be done manually or with the use of micro current. While it feels great and relaxes you, what it’s really doing is releasing tension, boosting circulation, assisting in ridding skin of impurities, draining the sinuses, and reducing fluid retention.

A common misconception to facials is that they will make you break out. This is not the case. When you aren’t consistently taking care of your skin with professional maintenance and experience a break out right after a facial, it is likely that what you are experiencing is purging. Purging is a process the skin goes through to get rid of toxins, dirt and oil from the skin. This is a good thing for people that have a lot of blackheads or clogged up oil that was buried deep into the skin. The skin will look brighter and better after the breakout calms down. Purging impurities from the body is a good thing. If you have ever done a detox cleansing for your body, you are familiar with the process of not feeling well as the toxins work their way out of your system. This breakout after a facial works in somewhat the same way. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa ( uses only hypo-allergenic, pharmaceutical grade products. If you are sensitive, you may want to find out ahead of time if your esthetician also uses products that are fragrance free and hypoallergenic. If you are allergic, the type of breakout resulting would feel itchy and rash-like.

At Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa (, a knowledgeable, licensed esthetician will provide personalized skin recommendations and a regimen that will address your individual concerns. Keep in mind that your skin changes constantly with hormonal changes and seasonal changes, so having a professional examine your skin on a regular basis will ensure that you are giving your skin what it needs. Receiving professional facials monthly will ensure your skin to be the best it can be!

Knowing Your Skin Type

Knowing the type of skin you have is crucial to determining what home care products to use on your skin. Your skin could be Oily, Dry, Combination, or Normal. Oily skin consists of larger pores, blackheads, pimples/blemishes and shine. Dry skin consists of very tight pores, flakiness, red patches and rough complexion. Combination skin consists of an oily T-zone and dry or normal skin elsewhere on the face – this is the most common skin type. Normal skin consists of small pores and a radiant complexion – this is the most rare skin type.

A great indicator of the type of skin you have is the size of your pores. Generally, the larger your pores, the oilier your skin is. Keep in mind that a person with oily skin can feel dry when their skin is DEHYDRATED. But it is very important to remember that dry skin and dehydrated skin are two very different things, and treating dehydrated skin with products intended for dry skin will not do your skin any good. Dry skin lacks oil. Dehydrated skin lacks water. Dehydration doesn’t discriminate between dry, oily or combination skin and it can be aggravated by topical skin care as much as lifestyle (alcohol, coffee, smoking, and little water intake, for instance). Dehydrated skin can be best fixed by drinking plenty of water. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and also the very last organ to reap the benefits of your water intake.

Those with a dry skin type should always use a rich moisturizer and performance product with hyaluronic acid. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200; ( recommends SkinCeuticals’ Hydrating B5 Gel. This moisture-enhancing gel contains hyaluronic acid, the body’s natural hydrator, to bind moisture to the skin. Those with oily skin should use a lightweight, noncomedogenic moisturizer, and always exfoliate three times per week. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends SkinCeuticals Micro-Exfoliating Scrub. Do not try to change your skin type, because it cannot be done. Great skin is all about balance, and learning how to balance yours. More often than not, we’re the ones doing the most damage to our skin. SkinCeuticals, available at Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( offers pharmaceutical-grade, hypoallergenic skin care products for every skin type.

Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends receiving monthly facials, where your esthetician will evaluate your skin to truly determine what type of skin you have, and guide you in the right direction in picking out home care products. Regardless of your skin type, it is important to always use a broad spectrum sunscreen daily, drink plenty of water, avoid smoking and never sleep with your make-up. Work with your skin type, not against it, and you’ll be amazed at the glowing complexion you can achieve.

How to Properly Cleanse Your Face!

Properly cleansed skin is the foundation for healthy, radiant skin and is the first step in every effective facial care regimen. It is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, both morning and night. It creates a clean and clear canvas for you to apply makeup. It also removes make up and impurities that come mainly from pollution. Throughout the day, your skin picks up a huge amount of dirt and pollution, so it is very important not to leave this grime on the face overnight. A lack of cleansing your face results in clogged pores, which ultimately leads to acne, premature aging and dull skin complexion.

If you are unfamiliar with your skin type, getting a detailed skin analysis with a facial is a great idea. Choosing the right products has a lot to do with the success you are going to have with your skin. While bar soap may be fine for your body, it is far too harsh and stripping for your face. It is imperative that you invest in a cleanser, toner and moisturizer that are right for your specific skin type.

1)      Wash Your Hands! Before you begin, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. Having clean hands will help avoid adding any dirt to your face that you have been in contact with.

2)      Remove Your Makeup! Always remember to wash off your makeup before cleansing. Makeup remover cloths are a great tool to use before facial cleansing. Leaving traces of makeup on at night is the absolute most destructive thing you can do for yourself.

3)      Set Water Temperature! You will want to wash with lukewarm water. Hot water can dry out your skin and dilate your blood vessels.

4)      Cleanse! It is best to use circular motions. Massage your cleanser for 30-60 seconds in order to stimulate your blood and lymph system to get much needed oxygen and blood circulating in your face. Be careful not to scrub too harshly. Scrubbing too harshly can over-stimulate your oil glands, increasing production and make acne worse. It can also lead to broken capillaries!

5)      Rinse! Rinse with cool water. If you rinse with hot water, it keeps your pores open to all of the dirt and bacteria it is sure to encounter during the day. Rinse with cool water to keep your pores the same size they were when you started.

6)      Dry! Pat your face dry. Don’t rub your skin with a washcloth, pat it dry instead. Patting your skin dry helps skin retain some of its moisture and avoid pulling on delicate skin.

7)      Tone! Toning the skin is essential to ensure that your face has been cleansed thoroughly and is free from makeup, dirt, and even the cleanser.

8)      Moisturize! Moisturizer helps you keep your face hydrated and protected throughout your day. It is important that you choose a moisturizer that fits your needs, whether you are naturally dry, oily or combination, and whether you prefer lightweight or dewy.

9)      Sunscreen! Never, ever forget to end this process with your broad-spectrum Sunscreen in the morning (and throughout the day). Protecting your face from the sun is the number one thing you can do to prevent aging, photodamage, skin cancer, sunspots and wrinkles. Refer to ( for more assistance on choosing the right sunscreen for your skin.

Investing in a wonderful face exfoliant (such as SkinCeuticals Micro-Exfoliating Scrub) as well as problem-specific corrective products (anti-aging, pigment regulation, etc.) will also result in beautiful, healthy skin. Gently exfoliating your skin three times per week will polish away dead skin cells and help to soften and smooth your skin. Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( recommends sleeping on clean silk pillowcases at night, booking a facial every month, and cleaning your make-up brushes every month to keep your face looking its best! Treating your skin gently is key when it comes to washing your face. Pulling on the skin, treating it harshly by scrubbing it and leaving on makeup all negatively affect your skin elasticity.

Hyperpigmentation (Skin Discoloration) or Hypopigmentation (Lack of Color)

Melanin is produced by melanocytes in the basal layer of the skin. This complex protein determines the color of your skin and hair. Both internal and external factors affect the production of melanin. Internal factors can be genetics or hormonal fluctuation, and the external factors are due to sun damage, inflammation, some medications and other skin injuries. Melanin is produced in the body for protection. On the surface of the skin, the melanin absorbs and blocks the harmful UV rays from the cells below. The increased production of melanin in the skin can causes hyperpigmentation. People with a darker skin tone are prone to hyperpigmentation.


As we ages, melanocytes are distributed unevenly and the body’s regulation of it is less controlled. The UV light from tanning beds and the sun stimulates melanocytes activity, and where concentrations of the cells are denser than surrounding areas, hyperpigmentation is affected. Exposure to sunlight is a major cause of hyperpigmentation, and will darken already hyperpigmented areas. Sun rays are most intense between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm so limiting your sun exposure between those hours will benefit already hyperpigmented skin.


Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa ( recommends all clients to wear a wide brimmed hat and use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher at all times, such as SkinCeuticals Physical Sunscreen. This contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. You can purchase it from any authorized SkinCeuticals partner, like Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200, ( Sunlight will worsen your condition, so protection is key.


Treatments for already hyperpigmented skin range from using a safe and effective brightening topical cream, such as SkinMedica’s Lytera or SkinCeuticals’ Pigment Regulator. Always purchase these products from authorized partners with these manufacturers, like Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200, ( Products found on the web may look authentic, but unless they are actually listed as an Authorized Dealer on the company’s website, they are either counterfeit or expired products.


In conjunction with the use of these brightening products, chemical peels (like a pigment balancing peel or Vivant body peels) and laser treatments provided at Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa, located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, 516.798.0200, ( will increase the positive results of brightening already hyperpigmented areas of the body.

Is Rosacea treatable?

What is rosacea:  it is a chronic vascular disorder which is exasperated with the presence of certain environmental conditions and the particular genetic make up of the patient.

A case study done by Dr. David M. Verebelyi shows that patient with rosacea when treated with Intense Pulse Light and a Non-Ablative 1064 Nd: Yag in conjunction with the use of antibiotics and  sunscreen, the skin  has shown significant improvement in the overall appearance and has long lasting results.  This treatment can be performed at Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa in Massapequa, Long Island New York, 516.798.0200.

Photo courtesy of Dr David Goldberg, MD, on the Cutera’s web site.

The symptoms are characterized by the vascular telangiectasia and general erytema that are visible on the face, sometimes accompanied with pustules and papules.  There is no unified consensus as what causes this disease.  What is known is that there is a significant increase in Demodex Folliculorum, a hair mite in patients with rosacea.  The hair mites clog glands which lead to the inflammation seen in rosacea patient.  What researchers are also focusing on is the genetics of rosacea patients.  How certain cell receptors affect specific cell’s function in the presence of dust mites antigens and bacterial proteases leading to increase inflammation in the skin.

What does the Intense Pulse Light and a Non-Ablative 1064Nd:Yag; laser Genesis treatment performed at Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa in Massapequa, Long Island New York, 516.798.0200, do?

The Laser Genesis heats up the papillary dermis reaching vessels beyond the reach of the IPL.  As a result the heat stimulates cytokine release and brings fibroblast all over the treated site over the next seven day to ten days, which translates to increase collagen production. This new collagen helps support existing vessels.  As we age, collagen decrease and we begin to sag because of continuous UV exposure and the supporting structure of the cutaneous vessels break down.  This is possibly the reason we see the symptoms of rosacea patient worsen at the age of thirty and over.  Following the use of the Laser Genesis the IPL will be used, which will address the diffuse redness, telangiactatic matting.

Patients receiving this treatment at Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa in Massapequa, Long Island New York, 516.798.0200, also urged use SkinCeutical’s Physical Sunscreen and SkinCeuticals Redness Neutralizer.  When these products are used in conjunction with the treatments the redness is controlled and the UV exposure is minimized.

All About Dermaplaning & Why You Should Do It!

Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation technique conducted by a trained medical skincare specialist like those at  Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa located at 5368 Merrick road, Massapequa, NY,  516.798.0200;,  that safely and efficiently removes surface debris with a Dermaplaning blade, and primes the skin for the chemical peeling solution. There are many benefits of Dermaplaning, including a refreshed and refined look to the skin. Dermaplaning removes vellous facial hair (which absorbs oil, dirt, and environmental toxins) as well as surface dead skin cells. It increases the skin’s ability to absorb product, stimulates circulation of blood and lymph flow, and increases the skin’s immune response and vitality. Dermaplaning also enhances the natural shedding process of the skin, softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes the appearance of pores, improves elasticity and texture, and reduces hyperpigmentation creating a more even skin tone.

Common concerns or fears about Dermaplaning include pain, being accidentally cut, and facial hair growing back courser. Rest assured that none of these are points to be concerned about! Dermaplaning is not painful; it is actually very relaxing and soothing! While it is possible that you experience a nick from the blade, estheticians must be professionally trained and certified in this treatment. Cuts are extremely rare and personally, none of Lotus Skin Care Center and Medi-Spa located at 5368 Merrick road, Massapequa, NY,  516.798.0200;, clients have experienced a nick during Dermaplaning. Should an accidental nick occur, it is not likely to hurt and would heal very quickly. Dermaplaning does not make facial hair grow back courser. The purpose of your fine vellous hair is to regulate skin temperature. It will not grow back thicker, darker, or more course. This is a great procedure for those wanting to remove lighter-colored facial hair or “peach fuzz,” which doesn’t respond to laser treatment. Vellous hair is different than typical body hair, and it will grow back just the same. Growth of the hair on the chin and lip is regulated by hormone production and by nature is generally thicker. Dermaplaning does not directly affect the thickness of this hair because most women lack the required amount of testosterone to grow hair in that manner.

While Dermaplaning is amazing on its own, it is also known to be used in conjunction with chemical peels. SkinCeuticals offers a three-step Micropeel including Dermaplaning, Cryogenic Therapy (freezing procedure which increases the rate of cell turnover using CO2), and Chemical Peel Solution. The three-step SkinCeuticals Micropeel is offered at Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa, located in Massapequa, NY, 516.798.0200, This amazing and exciting procedure is ideal for those looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, laxity, dullness, and skin imperfections. For optimal results, two series of four to six procedures per year are recommended. Free consultation are available at Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa located at 5368 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY, 516.798.0200, to find out if Dermaplaning and MicroPeels are right for you. Whether you are looking to improve skin texture, reduce hyperpigmentation or get rid of peach fuzz, Dermaplaning can help you look your best!

How To Choose The Right Spray Tan

So you’ve made the wonderful decision NOT to subject your skin to tanning beds with harmful UVA and UVB rays that cause cancer and aging. Now, how do you guarantee yourself a natural-looking, safe and even spray tan that lasts?

At home lotions can look streaky, orange, inconsistent and unevenly applied. Most only last until you shower. Spray tan booths are automated machines and blast out solution and often leave you blotchy and uneven, dark in some areas and light in others, and never contoured nicely. So it is important to invest your time and money with a trained professional who sprays you by hand, contouring your body so you look the best that you can. Spray on tans that use harsh chemicals and additives can also damage your skin causing it to look weathered and old. So it is also important to choose a company whose solution is 100% all natural, containing no chemicals, alcohols or preservatives.

Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( in Massapequa, NY; (516) 798-0200, are known for their amazing organic spray tans by SunFX. SunFX organic spray tans have a highly advanced, all natural formula, which combines highly purified water and natural bronzers, with the purest dihydroxyacetone available. Dihydroxyacetone, or DHA as it is more commonly known, is a 100% natural tanning agent that reacts with the amino acids in the skin to produce a rich, completely natural looking tan. SunFX uses only the purest DHA for their tanning solutions, guaranteeing the most natural looking colors and best overall results. Their solutions have no unpleasant odors, so they don’t need perfumes and other masking agents, often found in lesser brands.

SunFX Organic Spray Tans won’t turn your skin yellow or orange, has no odor and lasts up to a week. You may choose your depth of color and in 5 minutes you’ll have a beautiful, natural glow! Your spray tan will be professionally applied in a private booth by a certified SunFX technician. The technicians at Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi Spa ( are extremely knowledgeable, well trained, and make you feel as comfortable as can be during this process. The process only takes about 5 minutes after which your skin will feel touch dry. You will immediately notice a completely natural looking tan that will continue to develop over the next 5 to 12 hours.

There are things that you yourself can do to make the most out of your beautiful organic spray tan. Before tanning, you should exfoliate your entire body well, paying particular attention to rough skin areas like knees, ankles, heels and the tops of your feet as dry areas tend to absorb tanning solution faster. It is also best to shave or wax at least 24 hours prior to receiving your spray tan. On the day of your spray tan you should avoid the use of deodorants, moisturizers, perfumes and make-up, and wear dark, loose fitting attire to put on after your tanning application as some minor rub off can occur after your spray tan.

Showering the following morning is the best option. To make your SunFX spray tan last longer, you should avoid long baths, hot spas, extended swimming sessions, and any products that are designed to exfoliate your skin. The technicians at Lotus Skin Care Center & Medi-Spa ( advise clients to forget the loofah and body scrub altogether and just stick to soap for the week following their spray tan. Finally, remember that SunFX spray-on tanning solutions DO NOT contain a sunscreen. Please make sure you apply sunscreen every day to prevent melanoma, sunburn and aging!